sometimes we need a reset button.

a reminder of our priorities.

reese and i beach

i haven’t been around for a while.

honestly, not at all in the mood to blog, to create, or do much of anything.

so tired, cranky, and feeling like i miss the days when school was out and i really did have the summer ahead of me.

back when my jobs were choosing which pool to sit our over-heated bodies in, and that was it.

when all day i could eat otter pop after otter pop, and hang out in my swim suit and not make decisions or plans or be creative or earn money or prove myself to anyone.

the days when being positive and perky weren’t difficult at all.


i needed a reset button.

time to spend with my little people, my lover, and to learn more about myself and what i am and am not doing for myself and for them.

something must have changed for it to suddenly be so difficult to stay positive.

the toddler has been tough, yes,  but what has been tougher is realizing that it’s due to my lack of caring for myself that he is often so crazy.

i have been spending time reading a few new books, that have already changed me and made me a better mom.

i have changed a lot about what i put in my body, which has given me energy and made me feel physically better.

i have seen my toddler come alive in a new light and i feel like we understand each other better each day, which gives me confidence that i’m on the right track again.

me and my kiddos

what isn’t important is this blog. what is not important is a clean house.

what is not important is looking like i have it together.

what IS important is my health, my family’s health, my sanity, and their happiness.

i will be back soon with fun stuff to share and ideas and cute parties i didn’t throw and inspiration from other moms who obviously have lots more energy than i have right now.

until then i will be catching up on the time i forgot to spend on myself and learning to be better at being me.


don’t go dying on me. i’ll be right back!