christmas eve:
begin with fotos,
mix in some food and family and singing,
and end at the movies.

{turns out 7:30 on christmas eve is a great time to go see a movie.}
and yes, sherlock {the second} is a good one.

and yes, if i have a sitter and a few hours,
i will almost always utilize that time wisely.

{even if that sitter can’t really hear or technically get up and down the stairs all that fast…}

its fun to be at the cliffords for christmas when the g-ma and g-pa great are here.
they always make everything more fun…

i can’t look at this foto without laughing…

after a high temp,
run to the drugstore,
and very little to eat for the little guy,
B slept almost 13 hours.

it was a christmas miracle.

and he was completely happy all morning.

{note: the necklace i’m wearing made by cc. 
he loves watching project accessory 
and i think secretly wants to be a hardcore dude 
that cuts and pounds metal all day – minus the tats.}

cc’s favorite candy is nerds.
my mom always says, “you are what you eat!”

and if you knew all the geeky things cc made out with this year…
including our 5-finger running shoes… his universal remote, apple tv….

santa figured there isn’t really an age too young
to give your kid a shiny new red car

and the world disappeared to Boss after that…

and with 4 generations of moffats

and 4 generations of cliffords,
{C. Nyle, C. Nyle, B. Nyle, and D. Nyle}

i would say that was  
one successful first christmas
for these 2 parents
and one happy little 10 month old.

…perhaps later we will address the fact that
we have been sick for the last 4 days…
102 temps and vomiting around here is not good for anyone involved…