are we? really?

oh ok. i give.
i guess that’s a good a day as any to start my kid on paper products. yum.
in short:

 – we have started eating {just cereal + carrots so far. both going fine.}

though i think we are more than indifferent to carrots…

 – we have started real-pooping because of said eating.

 – we have started teething. a bit on the painful/not fun side for all involved….
{already been attacked 3 times. blood, no. tears, hell yes.}

 – we have “started” rolling over. i wont go straight to “we are rolling”. it takes a lot of work for that little man to move such a noggin.
{i get it, i do. my rump makes rolling difficult too…}

– we downright belly laugh at everything {dad does}. i hope that baby cackle never ever goes away.

note – we are also fully diaper-supplied now. just took 3 months of buying diapers as we go and spending about what we would have on disposables. we are in the club and cruisin. its awesome.