grateful · day twenty

happy birthday, big guyi still love you,even if you did steal my husband for the weekendto have a man party in cali with all 5 of your boys.i would call that spoiled.but you are proof that i am,~m

grateful · day nineteen

i realized yesterdaythat i don’t think there is a day that goes bythat i don’t say the words,”i have four older brothers”maybe it is to validate the manly burps or to relate to the guys….maybe it is because it is because i just really...

grateful · day seventeen

text convo with peg:me: one of these supplements has fish in it…ew.peg: k. you are retarded! it’s fish oil and you will not even know it’s there. promise. you make me laugh. i just had a memory of you being 5. you wouldn’t eat a tuna sandwich i...