you wanna know somethin pathetic slash fun?

this post right here,the one you are currently reading,it may or may not be#300!![this is proof i need to get a life and stop blogging…]in honor of the day,i leave you with a few of my favorites.moms say the darndest thingsHe gave me a swinghow we rollthoughts...

wedding video part 3

here is the last and final installment…it makes me cry every time.Behind the Matrimony Part 3 (of 3) from Meg Clifford on Vimeo….that might be because i am so glad to marry a guy that sings…or cause i’m a flat-out boob.

our new arrival…

welcome home, baby mac, welcome home.this may have been the first night i got to bed is so happy to be a mac daddy.which is good because cross-platform marriagescould be potentially harmful.thanks for converting, babe….just in time for school in 3...