our goals:

* take lunches 4/5 work days (eat out on fridays. der)* no eating after 8 (yes, cc, that should include the wal-mart popcicles….oh well, baby steps.)* hard core work-out at least 3 times a week(the protein powdered jock dude taught us what to do….)* drink...

whipped into shape

we are members.and fans.and hopefully we avoid the newlywed 30.we are also [attempting] eating healthy.so far so good.(any quick healthy ideas? we might be swappin em here!)measured, weighed, and goaled.solid bods comin your way in a few months.watch out.

the beginning…

jake got us for a video a few days before.this is rare footage that didn’t make the film.i thought you might enjoy the blurb.here is the beginning of a story:


i like getting up to this…though oddly random,it is nice to have the exact same prescriptionand the exact same contacts.{TGIF}&happy date night to you!

dear friends,

though i didn’t really have “bridesmaids” or anything,these would be them.and yes, those males would be called “bride’s men”i would have had more if they weren’t all married and all over.i have honestly had more long-term...