i’m sad it’s over, to be honest.
it is always sad when it’s over.
december is the only time we get to spend money with abandon
{and then cry in january when we see the damage}
and when we truly get to spend quality time with our peeps we love.
as evidenced by my absence in the world wide web,
i was doing just that. checked out, with a smile on my face,
something i shouldn’t eat in my hand, and a cutie on my hip.
i love christmas.
b and i came a bit early.
we drove home with this cute brother who swung through san diego
and let us take the quick drive home.
then we settled in to play…
after lots of shopping and wrapping and running around like headless chickens,
we finally stopped for christmas.
christmas eve started with a train ride

and then we went home, broke into teams,
and built trains….
or train yards, in our case…
{married to the engineer… it happens.}
then we ate, opened cute jammies,
and the big kids went caroling to the neighbors….
while the littles stayed up late….
christmas morning was fun.
yummy breakfast, and a cute lit up kid to watch.
it was more fun this year than last
because b can open presents by himself,
then must promptly open and play with everything the moment he sees it.
he had no idea why the day was special,
and i don’t quite care that he knows,
it was still magical.

best. ever.